I couldn't not to stop by Fenella Elms Ceramic's stand at DesignJunction design fair. I thought it was something really creative and unique. Fenella works with clay and creates those wonderful porcelain art pieces. 

Fenella says that Aspects of her past career in mental health continue to influence her work with clay: the subconscious approach, a sense of rhythm, attention to detail and difference. She doesn’t seek to put her experiences into the clay, but marvel at how they emerge.

From the website:
There are 3 ceramic collections: Flows, Edges and Sculptures.

Mounted for wall hang­ing, these works are in­tu­itively built in porce­lain clay to cre­ate shift­ing per­spec­tives.  In­di­vid­u­ally made beads of clay joined to a sheet of porce­lain with slip be­fore the whole work is fired to­gether to make one, sin­gle piece.  

Very fine rib­bons of mostly porce­lain clay del­i­cately aligned and joined with slip to cre­ate in­tri­cate struc­tures. After fir­ing, these struc­tures are mounted (in the dif­fer­ent ways il­lus­trated below) for wall hang­ing.

Ribbons of porcelain in a mobius or twisted double helix form with fine porcelain interleaves to build structures that hold light and alter form.

Fenella's Artwork in Interior Design: